Thursday, August 2, 2012

I am not my hair

As of late have developed a fond dislike for my long hair.

It gets in the way. It falls out and gets all over my clothes. It is constantly in my face and I find myself pulling pieces of hair away from my eyes and off my jerseys more than a couple of times a day.

The bottom line is: long hair is fucking annoying.

It looks pretty and guys dig it (haven't spoken to many lesbians on the topic although this could sure be an interesting conversaton-starter).

And you can plait it and use to express yourself.

But that's about it.

I am pretty sick of my identity and femininity being tied to this dead protein that grows out of my head.

Last night I dreamed that I shaved it all off and went dancing. I felt free. 

Below, a few of my favourite women who have defied hair-convention.

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