For those of you who went to Rhodes, Saleem Badat is no stranger. For the plebs who missed out on the purple experience, Badat is Rhodes University's Vice-Chancellor. I will not attempt to provide a Wiki account of the guy because I don't know enough about him to do him justice, however, I will say that one of the things his presence at Rhodes impressed upon me during my four years there, was his determination to change the face of Rhodes from that of a white, liberal-arts institution for affluent lily-skinned, private-schooled kids to that of a place of acceptance for those of all races, sexual preferences and backgrounds.
Check out his input at the Dispatch Dialogues here, where he can be quoted as saying today's youth view politics as "as stepping stones to eat sushi".
PS. On a lighter note, I found an amusing (and pretty accurate) description of Rhodent.
Check it out here.
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