The only way for me to feel as if I am not being pulled into a black hole of work-related deadlines and irritation at the growing number of people who are getting excited about wedding planning is to make a list of the things that make me feel truly myself.
Forgive the slight self-indulgence and feel free to add to the list.
1. Watch 'Almost Famous'. Take note of William and his mom, the rock stars and Penny Lane.
2. Listen to all of Led Zeppelin's albums (the LPs).
3. Write. (This is more difficult than it sounds).
4. Wake up at 5am and go to the beach for a dawnie swim. Even if it's 17 degrees!
5. Meditate. (Also known as "the listening part of prayer" - which is really great and all but I may just be too afraid to hear what is said to me.
I sort of just got over making this list now. So just a thought before I go and do something else with my semi-unemployed self (as a freelancer, I do not really know if I am 'truly' employed. Then again, truth is an unknown quantity [Foucault et al]) from a beautifully-crafted film, 'Beginners':
"Anna: People like us, half of them think it will never work out. The other half believe in magic."
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